Healing with Intention Integrative Medicine


A holistic and integrative practice based in Colorado, Healing with Intention Integrative Medicine helps its patients enhance wellness, prevent illness and treat chronic illness with a holistic and integrative approach to health. 


During the brand process, we identified Dr. Sonny Miles patients’ main problem: the lack of optimal health.

With her expertise in internal medicine, palliative care, and integrative medicine, our goal was to convey her message that healing encompasses not only the physical aspects of health, but also entails a thorough consideration of the emotional and spiritual elements. 

Dr. Miles uses complementary medicine in the form of nutrition, herbs and other modalities. Having these in mind, our visual direction is earthy, organic, natural, calming and sophisticated. 

With the use of the right palette and applying the principle of minimalism, we were able to create a brand that resonates with her patients on an emotional and spiritual level. 


  • Branding

  • Web Design

  • Copywriting

  • Print Designs

  • Social Media Assets


View website: healingwithintentionim.com


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